Primary Categories
Auction Type
Antiques & Home Auction
Penkridge, Staffordshire

Cuttlestones' buyers premium is charged on top of the hammer price, this is 20% + VAT (24% inclusive). New goods denoted by ** in the description are also liable to an additional 20% Vat on the hammer price.

Bid live on our website for an additional 3%(+VAT)- (NOTE – in order to qualify for this 3%(+VAT) bidding fee, you must sign up to bid on our site (below). Pre-registering with a different bidding platform will still mean their own fees apply, irrespective of where you eventually bid. 

No collections for Internet bidders on saleday unless prior arrangements have been made

Your invoice will have our client account bank details for payment by direct wire. Payment is expected within 5 days of the sale. Email invoices will be sent out to successful buyers as soon as possible. 

Please continue to pay for all lots before collection.

Collection strictly by appointment 01785 714905

Auction dates
Feb 13, 2025 10:00 AM GMT
Viewing dates
Feb 12, 2025 11:00 AM - 03:00 PM GMT
Antiques & Home Auction
Penkridge, Staffordshire

Cuttlestones' buyers premium is charged on top of the hammer price, this is 20% + VAT (24% inclusive). New goods denoted by ** in the description are also liable to an additional 20% Vat on the hammer price.

Bid live on our website for an additional 3%(+VAT)- (NOTE – in order to qualify for this 3%(+VAT) bidding fee, you must sign up to bid on our site (below). Pre-registering with a different bidding platform will still mean their own fees apply, irrespective of where you eventually bid. 

No collections for Internet bidders on saleday unless prior arrangements have been made

Your invoice will have our client account bank details for payment by direct wire. Payment is expected within 5 days of the sale. Email invoices will be sent out to successful buyers as soon as possible. 

Please continue to pay for all lots before collection.

Collection strictly by appointment 01785 714905

Auction dates
Jan 30, 2025 10:00 AM GMT
Viewing dates
Jan 29, 2025 11:00 AM - 03:00 PM GMT
Antiques & Home Auction
Penkridge, Staffordshire

Cuttlestones' buyers premium is charged on top of the hammer price, this is 20% + VAT (24% inclusive). New goods denoted by ** in the description are also liable to an additional 20% Vat on the hammer price.

Bid live on our website for an additional 3%(+VAT)- (NOTE – in order to qualify for this 3%(+VAT) bidding fee, you must sign up to bid on our site (below). Pre-registering with a different bidding platform will still mean their own fees apply, irrespective of where you eventually bid. 

No collections for Internet bidders on saleday unless prior arrangements have been made

Your invoice will have our client account bank details for payment by direct wire. Payment is expected within 5 days of the sale. Email invoices will be sent out to successful buyers as soon as possible. 

Please continue to pay for all lots before collection.

Collection strictly by appointment 01785 714905

Auction dates
Jan 16, 2025 10:00 AM GMT
Viewing dates
Jan 15, 2025 11:00 AM - 03:00 PM GMT
Antiques & Home Auction
Penkridge, Staffordshire

Cuttlestones' buyers premium is charged on top of the hammer price, this is 20% + VAT (24% inclusive). New goods denoted by ** in the description are also liable to an additional 20% Vat on the hammer price.

Bid live on our website for an additional 3%(+VAT)- (NOTE – in order to qualify for this 3%(+VAT) bidding fee, you must sign up to bid on our site (below). Pre-registering with a different bidding platform will still mean their own fees apply, irrespective of where you eventually bid. 

No collections for Internet bidders on saleday unless prior arrangements have been made

Your invoice will have our client account bank details for payment by direct wire. Payment is expected within 5 days of the sale. Email invoices will be sent out to successful buyers as soon as possible. 

Please continue to pay for all lots before collection.

Collection strictly by appointment 01785 714905

Auction dates
Dec 12, 2024 10:00 AM GMT
Viewing dates
Dec 11, 2024 11:00 AM - 03:00 PM GMT
Winter Antique & Collectors Auction
Penkridge, Staffordshire
Address and Photographic ID will be required to register for viewing and registration to bid in the auction on the day.

Cuttlestones' buyers premium is charged on top of the hammer price, this is 20% + VAT (24% inclusive). New goods denoted by ** in the description are also liable to an additional 20% Vat on the hammer price.

Bid live on our website for an additional 3%(+VAT)- (NOTE – in order to qualify for this 3%(+VAT) bidding fee, you must sign up to bid on our site (below). Pre-registering with a different bidding platform will still mean their own fees apply, irrespective of where you eventually bid. 

No collections for Internet bidders on saleday unless prior arrangements have been made

Your invoice will have our client account bank details for payment by direct wire. Payment is expected within 5 days of the sale. Email invoices will be sent out to successful buyers as soon as possible. 

Please continue to pay for all lots before collection.

Collection strictly by appointment 01785 714905

Auction dates
Nov 28, 2024 10:00 AM GMT
Viewing dates
Nov 26, 2024 01:00 PM - 04:00 PM GMT
Nov 27, 2024 01:00 PM - 04:00 PM GMT
Nov 28, 2024 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM GMT
Specialist Militaria Auction
Penkridge, Staffordshire
Address and Photographic ID will be required to register for viewing and registration to bid in the auction on the day.

Cuttlestones' buyers premium is charged on top of the hammer price, this is 20% + VAT (24% inclusive). New goods denoted by ** in the description are also liable to an additional 20% Vat on the hammer price.

Bid live on our website for an additional 3%(+VAT)- (NOTE – in order to qualify for this 3%(+VAT) bidding fee, you must sign up to bid on our site (below). Pre-registering with a different bidding platform will still mean their own fees apply, irrespective of where you eventually bid. 

No collections for Internet bidders on saleday unless prior arrangements have been made

Your invoice will have our client account bank details for payment by direct wire. Payment is expected within 5 days of the sale. Email invoices will be sent out to successful buyers as soon as possible. 

Please continue to pay for all lots before collection.

Collection strictly by appointment 01785 714905

Auction dates
Nov 27, 2024 10:00 AM GMT
Viewing dates
Nov 26, 2024 01:00 PM - 04:00 PM GMT
Nov 27, 2024 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM GMT
Antiques & Home Auction
Penkridge, Staffordshire

Cuttlestones' buyers premium is charged on top of the hammer price, this is 20% + VAT (24% inclusive). New goods denoted by ** in the description are also liable to an additional 20% Vat on the hammer price.

Bid live on our website for an additional 3%(+VAT)- (NOTE – in order to qualify for this 3%(+VAT) bidding fee, you must sign up to bid on our site (below). Pre-registering with a different bidding platform will still mean their own fees apply, irrespective of where you eventually bid. 

No collections for Internet bidders on saleday unless prior arrangements have been made

Your invoice will have our client account bank details for payment by direct wire. Payment is expected within 5 days of the sale. Email invoices will be sent out to successful buyers as soon as possible. 

Please continue to pay for all lots before collection.

Collection strictly by appointment 01785 714905

Auction dates
Nov 14, 2024 10:00 AM GMT
Viewing dates
Nov 13, 2024 11:00 AM - 03:00 PM GMT
Antiques & Home Auction
Penkridge, Staffordshire

Cuttlestones' buyers premium is charged on top of the hammer price, this is 20% + VAT (24% inclusive). New goods denoted by ** in the description are also liable to an additional 20% Vat on the hammer price.

Bid live on our website for an additional 3%(+VAT)- (NOTE – in order to qualify for this 3%(+VAT) bidding fee, you must sign up to bid on our site (below). Pre-registering with a different bidding platform will still mean their own fees apply, irrespective of where you eventually bid. 

No collections for Internet bidders on saleday unless prior arrangements have been made

Your invoice will have our client account bank details for payment by direct wire. Payment is expected within 5 days of the sale. Email invoices will be sent out to successful buyers as soon as possible. 

Please continue to pay for all lots before collection.

Collection strictly by appointment 01785 714905

Auction dates
Oct 31, 2024 10:00 AM GMT
Viewing dates
Oct 30, 2024 11:00 AM - 03:00 PM GMT
Antiques & Home Auction
Penkridge, Staffordshire

Cuttlestones' buyers premium is charged on top of the hammer price, this is 20% + VAT (24% inclusive). New goods denoted by ** in the description are also liable to an additional 20% Vat on the hammer price.

Bid live on our website for an additional 3%(+VAT)- (NOTE – in order to qualify for this 3%(+VAT) bidding fee, you must sign up to bid on our site (below). Pre-registering with a different bidding platform will still mean their own fees apply, irrespective of where you eventually bid. 

No collections for Internet bidders on saleday unless prior arrangements have been made

Your invoice will have our client account bank details for payment by direct wire. Payment is expected within 5 days of the sale. Email invoices will be sent out to successful buyers as soon as possible. 

Please continue to pay for all lots before collection.

Collection strictly by appointment 01785 714905

Auction dates
Oct 17, 2024 10:00 AM BST
Viewing dates
Oct 15, 2024 12:00 PM - 04:00 PM BST
Oct 16, 2024 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM BST
Oct 16, 2024 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM BST
Oct 17, 2024 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM BST
Specialist Toys, Railwayana and Collectors' Auction
Penkridge, Staffordshire
To Include Stamps and Ephemera

Cuttlestones' buyers premium is charged on top of the hammer price, this is 20% + VAT (24% inclusive). New goods denoted by ** in the description are also liable to an additional 20% Vat on the hammer price.

Bid live on our website for an additional 3%(+VAT)- (NOTE – in order to qualify for this 3%(+VAT) bidding fee, you must sign up to bid on our site (below). Pre-registering with a different bidding platform will still mean their own fees apply, irrespective of where you eventually bid. 

No collections for Internet bidders on saleday unless prior arrangements have been made

Your invoice will have our client account bank details for payment by direct wire. Payment is expected within 5 days of the sale. Email invoices will be sent out to successful buyers as soon as possible. 

Please continue to pay for all lots before collection.

Collection strictly by appointment 01785 714905

Auction dates
Oct 16, 2024 10:00 AM BST
Viewing dates
Oct 15, 2024 12:00 PM - 04:00 PM BST
Oct 16, 2024 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM BST
Antiques & Home Auction
Penkridge, Staffordshire

Cuttlestones' buyers premium is charged on top of the hammer price, this is 20% + VAT (24% inclusive). New goods denoted by ** in the description are also liable to an additional 20% Vat on the hammer price.

Bid live on our website for an additional 3%(+VAT)- (NOTE – in order to qualify for this 3%(+VAT) bidding fee, you must sign up to bid on our site (below). Pre-registering with a different bidding platform will still mean their own fees apply, irrespective of where you eventually bid. 

No collections for Internet bidders on saleday unless prior arrangements have been made

Your invoice will have our client account bank details for payment by direct wire. Payment is expected within 5 days of the sale. Email invoices will be sent out to successful buyers as soon as possible. 

Please continue to pay for all lots before collection.

Collection strictly by appointment 01785 714905

Auction dates
Oct 03, 2024 10:00 AM BST
Viewing dates
Oct 02, 2024 11:00 AM - 03:00 PM BST
Antiques & Home Auction
Penkridge, Staffordshire

Cuttlestones' buyers premium is charged on top of the hammer price, this is 20% + VAT (24% inclusive). New goods denoted by ** in the description are also liable to an additional 20% Vat on the hammer price.

Bid live on our website for an additional 3%(+VAT)- (NOTE – in order to qualify for this 3%(+VAT) bidding fee, you must sign up to bid on our site (below). Pre-registering with a different bidding platform will still mean their own fees apply, irrespective of where you eventually bid. 

No collections for Internet bidders on saleday unless prior arrangements have been made

Your invoice will have our client account bank details for payment by direct wire. Payment is expected within 5 days of the sale. Email invoices will be sent out to successful buyers as soon as possible. 

Please continue to pay for all lots before collection.

Collection strictly by appointment 01785 714905

Auction dates
Sep 19, 2024 10:00 AM BST
Viewing dates
Sep 18, 2024 11:00 AM - 03:00 PM BST
Antiques & Home Auction
Penkridge, Staffordshire

Cuttlestones' buyers premium is charged on top of the hammer price, this is 20% + VAT (24% inclusive). New goods denoted by ** in the description are also liable to an additional 20% Vat on the hammer price.

Bid live on our website for an additional 3%(+VAT)- (NOTE – in order to qualify for this 3%(+VAT) bidding fee, you must sign up to bid on our site (below). Pre-registering with a different bidding platform will still mean their own fees apply, irrespective of where you eventually bid. 

No collections for Internet bidders on saleday unless prior arrangements have been made

Your invoice will have our client account bank details for payment by direct wire. Payment is expected within 5 days of the sale. Email invoices will be sent out to successful buyers as soon as possible. 

Please continue to pay for all lots before collection.

Collection strictly by appointment 01785 714905

Auction dates
Sep 05, 2024 10:00 AM BST
Viewing dates
Sep 04, 2024 11:00 AM - 03:00 PM BST
Antiques & Home Auction
Penkridge, Staffordshire

Cuttlestones' buyers premium is charged on top of the hammer price, this is 20% + VAT (24% inclusive). New goods denoted by ** in the description are also liable to an additional 20% Vat on the hammer price.

Bid live on our website for an additional 3%(+VAT)- (NOTE – in order to qualify for this 3%(+VAT) bidding fee, you must sign up to bid on our site (below). Pre-registering with a different bidding platform will still mean their own fees apply, irrespective of where you eventually bid. 

No collections for Internet bidders on saleday unless prior arrangements have been made

Your invoice will have our client account bank details for payment by direct wire. Payment is expected within 5 days of the sale. Email invoices will be sent out to successful buyers as soon as possible. 

Please continue to pay for all lots before collection.

Collection strictly by appointment 01785 714905

Auction dates
Aug 22, 2024 10:00 AM BST
Viewing dates
Aug 21, 2024 11:00 AM - 03:00 PM BST
Antiques & Home Auction
Penkridge, Staffordshire

Cuttlestones' buyers premium is charged on top of the hammer price, this is 20% + VAT (24% inclusive). New goods denoted by ** in the description are also liable to an additional 20% Vat on the hammer price.

Bid live on our website for an additional 3%(+VAT)- (NOTE – in order to qualify for this 3%(+VAT) bidding fee, you must sign up to bid on our site (below). Pre-registering with a different bidding platform will still mean their own fees apply, irrespective of where you eventually bid. 

No collections for Internet bidders on saleday unless prior arrangements have been made

Your invoice will have our client account bank details for payment by direct wire. Payment is expected within 5 days of the sale. Email invoices will be sent out to successful buyers as soon as possible. 

Please continue to pay for all lots before collection.

Collection strictly by appointment 01785 714905

Auction dates
Aug 08, 2024 10:00 AM BST
Viewing dates
Jul 07, 2024 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM BST
Aug 06, 2024 12:00 PM - 04:00 PM BST
Aug 07, 2024 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM BST
Aug 08, 2024 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM BST
Specialist Toys, Railwayana and Collectors' Auction
Penkridge, Staffordshire

Cuttlestones' buyers premium is charged on top of the hammer price, this is 20% + VAT (24% inclusive). New goods denoted by ** in the description are also liable to an additional 20% Vat on the hammer price.

Bid live on our website for an additional 3%(+VAT)- (NOTE – in order to qualify for this 3%(+VAT) bidding fee, you must sign up to bid on our site (below). Pre-registering with a different bidding platform will still mean their own fees apply, irrespective of where you eventually bid. 

No collections for Internet bidders on saleday unless prior arrangements have been made

Your invoice will have our client account bank details for payment by direct wire. Payment is expected within 5 days of the sale. Email invoices will be sent out to successful buyers as soon as possible. 

Please continue to pay for all lots before collection.

Collection strictly by appointment 01785 714905

Auction dates
Aug 07, 2024 10:00 AM BST
Viewing dates
Aug 06, 2024 12:00 PM - 04:00 PM BST
Aug 07, 2024 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM BST
Antiques & Home Auction
Penkridge, Staffordshire

Cuttlestones' buyers premium is charged on top of the hammer price, this is 20% + VAT (24% inclusive). New goods denoted by ** in the description are also liable to an additional 20% Vat on the hammer price.

Bid live on our website for an additional 3%(+VAT)- (NOTE – in order to qualify for this 3%(+VAT) bidding fee, you must sign up to bid on our site (below). Pre-registering with a different bidding platform will still mean their own fees apply, irrespective of where you eventually bid. 

No collections for Internet bidders on saleday unless prior arrangements have been made

Your invoice will have our client account bank details for payment by direct wire. Payment is expected within 5 days of the sale. Email invoices will be sent out to successful buyers as soon as possible. 

Please continue to pay for all lots before collection.

Collection strictly by appointment 01785 714905

Auction dates
Jul 25, 2024 10:00 AM BST
Viewing dates
Jul 24, 2024 11:00 AM - 03:00 PM BST
Antiques & Home Auction
Penkridge, Staffordshire

Cuttlestones' buyers premium is charged on top of the hammer price, this is 20% + VAT (24% inclusive). New goods denoted by ** in the description are also liable to an additional 20% Vat on the hammer price.

Bid live on our website for an additional 3%(+VAT)- (NOTE – in order to qualify for this 3%(+VAT) bidding fee, you must sign up to bid on our site (below). Pre-registering with a different bidding platform will still mean their own fees apply, irrespective of where you eventually bid. 

No collections for Internet bidders on saleday unless prior arrangements have been made

Your invoice will have our client account bank details for payment by direct wire. Payment is expected within 5 days of the sale. Email invoices will be sent out to successful buyers as soon as possible. 

Please continue to pay for all lots before collection.

Collection strictly by appointment 01785 714905

Auction dates
Jul 11, 2024 10:00 AM BST
Viewing dates
Jul 10, 2024 11:00 AM - 03:00 PM BST
Antiques & Home Auction
Penkridge, Staffordshire

Cuttlestones' buyers premium is charged on top of the hammer price, this is 20% + VAT (24% inclusive). New goods denoted by ** in the description are also liable to an additional 20% Vat on the hammer price.

Bid live on our website for an additional 3%(+VAT)- (NOTE – in order to qualify for this 3%(+VAT) bidding fee, you must sign up to bid on our site (below). Pre-registering with a different bidding platform will still mean their own fees apply, irrespective of where you eventually bid. 

No collections for Internet bidders on saleday unless prior arrangements have been made

Your invoice will have our client account bank details for payment by direct wire. Payment is expected within 5 days of the sale. Email invoices will be sent out to successful buyers as soon as possible. 

Please continue to pay for all lots before collection.

Collection strictly by appointment 01785 714905

Auction dates
Jun 27, 2024 10:00 AM BST
Viewing dates
Jun 26, 2024 11:00 AM - 03:00 PM BST
Specialist Toys, Comics and Collectors' Auction
Penkridge, Staffordshire
To Include a Private Collection of Vintage Amusement / Arcade Machines

Cuttlestones' buyers premium is charged on top of the hammer price, this is 20% + VAT (24% inclusive). New goods denoted by ** in the description are also liable to an additional 20% Vat on the hammer price.

Bid live on our website for an additional 3%(+VAT)- (NOTE – in order to qualify for this 3%(+VAT) bidding fee, you must sign up to bid on our site (below). Pre-registering with a different bidding platform will still mean their own fees apply, irrespective of where you eventually bid. 

No collections for Internet bidders on saleday unless prior arrangements have been made

Your invoice will have our client account bank details for payment by direct wire. Payment is expected within 5 days of the sale. Email invoices will be sent out to successful buyers as soon as possible. 

Please continue to pay for all lots before collection.

Collection strictly by appointment 01785 714905

Auction dates
Jun 13, 2024 10:00 AM BST
Lots: 300 onwards
Viewing dates
Jun 11, 2024 12:00 PM - 04:00 PM BST
Jun 12, 2024 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM BST
Jun 12, 2024 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM BST
Jun 13, 2024 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM BST
Specialist Auction of Books, Stamps and Ephemera
Penkridge, Staffordshire
**Missing Images Will Be Uploaded As Soon As Possible**

Cuttlestones' buyers premium is charged on top of the hammer price, this is 20% + VAT (24% inclusive). New goods denoted by ** in the description are also liable to an additional 20% Vat on the hammer price.

Bid live on our website for an additional 3%(+VAT)- (NOTE – in order to qualify for this 3%(+VAT) bidding fee, you must sign up to bid on our site (below). Pre-registering with a different bidding platform will still mean their own fees apply, irrespective of where you eventually bid. 

No collections for Internet bidders on saleday unless prior arrangements have been made

Your invoice will have our client account bank details for payment by direct wire. Payment is expected within 5 days of the sale. Email invoices will be sent out to successful buyers as soon as possible. 

Please continue to pay for all lots before collection.

Collection strictly by appointment 01785 714905

Auction dates
Jun 12, 2024 10:00 AM BST
Viewing dates
Jun 11, 2024 12:00 PM - 04:00 PM BST
Jun 12, 2024 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM BST
Antiques & Home Auction To Include The Summer Antiques & Collectables Auction
Penkridge, Staffordshire

Cuttlestones' buyers premium is charged on top of the hammer price, this is 20% + VAT (24% inclusive). New goods denoted by ** in the description are also liable to an additional 20% Vat on the hammer price.

Bid live on our website for an additional 3%(+VAT)- (NOTE – in order to qualify for this 3%(+VAT) bidding fee, you must sign up to bid on our site (below). Pre-registering with a different bidding platform will still mean their own fees apply, irrespective of where you eventually bid. 

No collections for Internet bidders on saleday unless prior arrangements have been made

Your invoice will have our client account bank details for payment by direct wire. Payment is expected within 5 days of the sale. Email invoices will be sent out to successful buyers as soon as possible. 

Please continue to pay for all lots before collection.

Collection strictly by appointment 01785 714905

Auction dates
May 30, 2024 10:00 AM BST
Viewing dates
May 29, 2024 09:30 AM - 12:45 PM BST
May 29, 2024 03:00 PM - 04:30 PM BST
May 30, 2024 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM BST
Specialist Jewellery Auction
Penkridge, Staffordshire
ID Required for Viewing & Bidder Registration

Cuttlestones' buyers premium is charged on top of the hammer price, this is 20% + VAT (24% inclusive). New goods denoted by ** in the description are also liable to an additional 20% Vat on the hammer price.

Bid live on our website for an additional 3%(+VAT)- (NOTE – in order to qualify for this 3%(+VAT) bidding fee, you must sign up to bid on our site (below). Pre-registering with a different bidding platform will still mean their own fees apply, irrespective of where you eventually bid. 

No collections for Internet bidders on saleday unless prior arrangements have been made

Your invoice will have our client account bank details for payment by direct wire. Payment is expected within 5 days of the sale. Email invoices will be sent out to successful buyers as soon as possible. 

Please continue to pay for all lots before collection.

Collection strictly by appointment 01785 714905

Auction dates
May 29, 2024 01:00 PM BST
Viewing dates
May 28, 2024 12:00 PM - 04:00 PM BST
May 29, 2024 10:00 AM - 01:00 PM BST
Antiques & Home Auction
Penkridge, Staffordshire

Cuttlestones' buyers premium is charged on top of the hammer price, this is 20% + VAT (24% inclusive). New goods denoted by ** in the description are also liable to an additional 20% Vat on the hammer price.

Bid live on our website for an additional 3%(+VAT)- (NOTE – in order to qualify for this 3%(+VAT) bidding fee, you must sign up to bid on our site (below). Pre-registering with a different bidding platform will still mean their own fees apply, irrespective of where you eventually bid. 

No collections for Internet bidders on saleday unless prior arrangements have been made

Your invoice will have our client account bank details for payment by direct wire. Payment is expected within 5 days of the sale. Email invoices will be sent out to successful buyers as soon as possible. 

Please continue to pay for all lots before collection.

Collection strictly by appointment 01785 714905

Auction dates
May 16, 2024 10:00 AM BST
Viewing dates
May 15, 2024 11:00 AM - 03:00 PM BST
Antiques & Home Auction
Penkridge, Staffordshire

Cuttlestones' buyers premium is charged on top of the hammer price, this is 20% + VAT (24% inclusive). New goods denoted by ** in the description are also liable to an additional 20% Vat on the hammer price.

Bid live on our website for an additional 3%(+VAT)- (NOTE – in order to qualify for this 3%(+VAT) bidding fee, you must sign up to bid on our site (below). Pre-registering with a different bidding platform will still mean their own fees apply, irrespective of where you eventually bid. 

No collections for Internet bidders on saleday unless prior arrangements have been made

Your invoice will have our client account bank details for payment by direct wire. Payment is expected within 5 days of the sale. Email invoices will be sent out to successful buyers as soon as possible. 

Please continue to pay for all lots before collection.

Collection strictly by appointment 01785 714905

Auction dates
May 02, 2024 10:00 AM BST
Viewing dates
May 01, 2024 11:00 AM - 03:00 PM BST